Archive for the tag: Words

What it takes to be PSYOPS // Words from an Operator

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The information battle space is the future of warfare.
Become a Psychological Operator!
The door is open if you’re willing to take the opportunity.

#5thSFG #PSYOPS #Selection
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Words From Verbs | Dave H., VP of Marketing and Business Development

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Verb Surgical is working with physicians around the world to create the future of surgery. A new future, a future unimagined even a few years ago, which will involve machine learning, robotic surgery, instrumentation, advanced visualization, and data analytics. A future of surgery that aims to achieve improved patient outcomes, lower costs and greater hospital efficiency.

Key players inside Verb Surgical were asked to reflect on their experience at the company thus far, and the work that continues to hold their interest. Dave H., the Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, answers what a marketing role looks like at Verb and what it takes to be a “best athlete.”

For more information on Verb Surgical and their current job opportunities, please visit:
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